Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flowers out front....

It isn't even April and we have some beautiful flowers out in the front garden.  As much as we miss Alaska, I do have to admit there are some blessings to living in the South.  The beauty of spring is one of those. 

And this one..

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Finished these tiny little hats tonight...

I wish I could say they are barbie or doll hats but they will actually fit on real live babies.  Micropremies are born at about 1 lb (give or take) and the survival rate improves yearly.   Since most parents haven't planned anything yet at the 23 week pregnancy stage, having a little handmade gift for the baby (the babies generally can't wear anything but a hat anyway) helps a tiny bit with the shock.

Here are a few a made for a friend.  With prayers and medical improvements hopefully we won't need premie hats this small much longer.

Young Women's General Broadcast on March 26

Now that Bek has moved up in church to the Young Womens program, we get to attend the fun activities geared toward 12 to 18 year old girls.  Last evening, the Stake Young Women Presidency planned a fashion show of modest clothing based on the value colors in the program with a dessert and then gathering in the chapel to watch the broadcast from Salt Lake City. 

For the Thibodaux Ward Young Women, the virtue was Integrity and color purple.  Bek made a cute poster (pics to come tomorrow) and then did the presentation while a few of the other girls modeled modest attire in various shades of purple. 

We had no idea she had become so comfortable in front of a crowd.  Infact, when she found out that she didn't have to speak from on stage, she was rather upset. 

Once the local activities were over, the broadcast was wonderful and touching.  Those of you who enjoyed it can relate.  All the speakers reminded the girls of who they are- daughters of their Heavenly Father, who deserve respect as such.  And need to respect themselves because of their divine heritage.  Overall, it was a wonderful night. 

Bek and I were equally blessed because we rode to Metarie with friends of ours and spent most of the time talking. 

Pictures of the poster will be added tomorrow when I find the cord to download (yes- it is lost again, is it really a surprise?)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Civil War reenactment at E.D. White Plantation in Thibodaux, LA

A few weeks ago, we went to a small civil war reenactment at the local plantation house out in Thibodaux.  there were only about 10 soldiers, maybe 4 women and a handful of children but the explanations were easier to hear and we had a great time.  

The kitchen "house" was recently rebuilt and must have been such a wonderful help during hot summers.  At least no extra heat in the house from cooking, although for the slaves or servants, the heat would have been miserable regardless.    One aspect we did notice was that the front and back doors created a draftway while not affecting the fireplace or brick oven in any noticeable way. 

It was an enjoyable afternoon with learning, sunshine and fun all rolled into one.

The kitchen house with a visitor center in the back ground.  Fore ground includes a camp seat, chair and the traditional style of stacking guns during camp.

Beautiful old cannon (well- replica) that makes a ton of noise!

Just a few of the variety of weapons used in the Civil war.  The Confederate Army did not always have weapons to provide so most volunteers brought their own. 

This gentleman gave a wonderful lecture on rations, haversacks, bedding and weaponry.  He then lead "troops" through a few paces and drills.  After that, he answered questions.

Our new blog for family and friends...

In order to share with family and friends in a uniform way, we have created a family blog.  It will have pictures, updates on activities, life in general and such. And I will be posting lots of pictures!!!   Yes- pictures although don't anyone get excited because there still won't be pics of John.

To start off, our garden is growing since spring is here in Louisiana so here are a few pictures of the flowers and our food. 

One of 4 cabbages that survived the winter.  They are now growing like crazy and we plan to eat them in the next month or so. 

One branch of our peach tree.  The tree is full of immature peaches and if only half of them mature, we will be thrilled!  Definitely worth the $20 investment our first fall here. 

One more picture:

tomatoes!!  This is second attempt at tomatoes and these are actually growing- it is wonderful so far. Plus we have lots of flowers.

With the cost of food, all the items we can grow for ourselves makes life that much better.